-Yorkie Poo



Teddy Bear





Kherry Blossom



Male DOB March 29, 2018

Sammy living with Joy & Tony

We are loving our sweet Sammy. He is very snuggly. He made it home yesterday without throwing up.

Mixed up his food and he ate most of it before bedtime! He did have a rough time sleeping

last night as you warned us he might. But he did get some good stretches of sleep in.

We are getting him lots of naps today. We have found he love to pee on the carpet,

so trying to keep him on the wood floor until we make some progress there.

He is the sweetest, cutest dog we have ever seen!! Thanks again!



Male DOB February 13, 2018

Yukon living with Betty & Melvin

Hi Susan,
Just wanted to share some pictures of Yukon

(we kept the name, my girls loved it!).

He is doing really well! So sweet, we love him so much!

Thanks again! Betty

I’m so handsome!!!

Before haircut fuzzy face

LOVES car rides

Loves to snooze on the couch
Last day of school pic wouldn’t be complete without Yukon!

Sleepy puppy

Male DOB October 11, 2015

Biff living with Cari & Steven

Female DOB February 12, 2008

Leela living with Stephanie & Kris

Female DOB May 15, 2009

Jasmin living with Cindy



Male DOB March 29, 2008

Ziggy living with Patrick & Janet


Reggie Thorson


Female DOB August 31, 2007

Izzy living with Craig & Margaret



Male DOB July 3, 2007

Toby living with Keith, Diane & Kayla



Female DOB April 25, 2007

Mandi living with Brian & Stephanie



Male DOB April 5, 2005

Bonsai living with Bruce & Margaret


Female DOB April 5, 2006

Ursa living with Justin & Amy



Male DOB April 5, 2006

Markie living with Dale & Karen


Female DOB March 19, 2006

Daisy living with Jason & Kristi


Female DOB August 26, 2004

Dixie living with Don & Jane

Male DOB July 1, 2004

Brandy living with Wayne & Nancy


Male DOB April 12, 2004

Frodo living with Rick & Christine


Male DOB April 26, 2019

Auggie living with Brenda

Just a quick note to let you know I am doing great in my new home. I have a pretty

awesome big brother that has taught me so much. He even taught how to go

down the steps when I got big enough. I travel really well. I just lay down and

go to sleep and only get up for a cheese snack. I am also going to puppy classes and

get gold stars every week. Those others pups think the stuff we do is so hard. Not me.

I catch on really quick and show them all. The best part is I am still a big snuggle bunny

and my mom and dad think I am so sweet. They let me snuggle whenever I want.

I love my new home. And the grandkids love me too

Just a quick note to let you know I am ready for my first family holiday. Got my first big boy

haircut and I behaved really well. I think that black tip on the end of my tail is going to stay.

 I am still a snuggle bunny and I love to play fetch. I also like to take my moms yarn and run

through the house. Do it every chance I get. You think my mom would learn by now.

 Oh well. Happy Thanksgiving. Bridger


Ali DOB August 2, 2017

living with Kathie & Robert

Hi Susan, wanted to let you know Ali is adjusting well and got an A+ at the vet. Kathie


Max & Snickers DOB August 2, 2017

living with (Kay) Kathyrn

Happy Thanksgiving from Max, Snickers and Kay

Puppies are doing great!!!   Jethro did not respond well to "Jethro", but loves being called "Max",

so now we are Max and Snickers. They were Vet-Checked on Oct. 2, but Dr. Schneider kept being interrupted

so many times, he did not fill out the orange sheets well. Tues, Oct.3, he was called away

on a family emergency.  Sat I got him to finish filling the sheets and they are in the mail to you.

 They have a good time playing together, &  playing with their toys. They eat well.....

Snickers gained 7 oz. and Max gained 6 oz. Household noises do not bother them.

See the attached picture of them that my friend took, just as they were waking up from a nap.

We are all having a good time........Kay


Female DOB October 17,2018

Pixie living with Mandi

Speedy is a Cairn Poodle Male

DOB September 13, 2014

Male DOB October 17, 2018

Billy living with Linda & Brian

He has just learned how to come down the stairs. He is doing very well on house training,

had a couple accidents inside, but that was from not letting him out, from the days it was

20 to 30 below out. He just adores Sassy and are getting along well with each other,

Sassy has someone to play chase me with once again. Brian

Female DOB August 2, 2017

Ali living with Kathleen & Robert

Hi, thought you'd like to see how big 
Ali (Cherish) is getting. She is a lot of fun.   
Merry Christmas.  

Female DOB January 13, 2013

Matilda (Tilly) living with Sandy

Tilly is amazing; so smart, wild, feisty and sweet.  I'm glad I got a female.

She is very social, loves other dogs, kids and adults. We walk a lot and her eyes are

 always on the horizon hoping to meet someone new.  You were right, she isn't a barker.

Here's some pics of Matilda meeting my niece and her dog Otis for the 1st time. Since then she's a

little more than 5 lbs, somewhat taller, healthy, adjusted well to her new home and at times a wild child.  

She absolutely loves the snow and being out in it.  We take little walks a couple times a day and she

has a fenced in patio to patrol and investigate.  You were right, she isn't barky but the normal puppy biting

with those sharp puppy teeth has me calling her "Tillygater".  Of course, as Mom, I seem to be the usual

target for the biting while others get kisses and sweet love. 



Female DOB May 18, 2011

Maggie living with Jonell

Hi. Maggie (Becca) came to live with us in October 2011...From memory,

she was born May 18, 2011. What a gal....she is a wonderful, happy dog...

I am so fortunate to share my home with her! Just wanted to share how great she is!


Happy Thanksgiving!
 I just wanted to share a recent photo of Nessie.....we got a Mini Dachsund

 this summer and one day she and Nessie were wrestling around on the bed

 and Andy was clicking away with the camera and got an awesome shot.

I think Cairn owners would appreciate it. Thanks again for allowing us

 to bring this ray of sunshine into our lives.

Female DOB May 14, 2011

Nessie living with Rachel and Andy

Female DOB November 26, 2011

Ruby living with Kari

Denver is also a Cairn

Female DOB July 8, 2010

Missy living with Michelle & Tracy

Male DOB July 8, 2011

Oliver living with Jim & Carla

Female DOB November 15, 2007

Bailey living with John & Nancy


Female DOB April 23, 2010

Sophie living with John & Nancy

Female DOB September 4, 2009

Dixie living with Suzanne & Heather


Male DOB January 26, 2009

Jack living with Thomas & Bonnie

Rocky is a Cairn/Yorkie

from us also



Female DOB March 23, 2007

Venus living with Mandi and her

Cairn Poodle brother Speedy

DOB September 13, 2014

Female DOB April 26, 2007

Moxie living with Josh & Nicole



Male DOB June 9, 2023

Augie (White Cairn Poo) living with

David, Mary & Fergus (Black Brindle Cairn Terrier)


Male DOB January 23, 2019

Bert living with Tory & Joe

Hello from Banjo/Bert. He is doing awesome, and has made many friends.

His appetite is very, very good and is extremely active.


Female DOB December 3, 2018

Poppy living with Tina & Jesse

Hi Susan! We did rename her, we call her Poppy after the flower in the Wizard of Oz. 
She's adjusting great! She gets a lot of attention from her 4 non fur siblings! 
They are great with her! Despite a couple of accidents a day she is 
getting the hang of going to the pad! Her favorite toy is the chew rope!
 We're so thankful we got it! She had a great visit at the vet on Wednesday, 
they absolutely adored her! Tina


Female DOB June 1, 2012

Loki living with Cory & Amy

Susan, We will be mailing you the vet information for Loki (Cameo!) this week.

We took her in on Friday and they said she was in great health.

She's adapting really well to her new home, eats well,

and gets along with the other dogs we know. Thanks again! Cory and Amy

Male DOB September 13, 2014

Speedy living with Mandi and his

Cairn Terrier sisters Venus and Pixie


Male DOB September 19, 2009

Rocky living with Chris, Joanne, Riley & Isabelle

Male DOB

Rocky living with Bonnie & Thomas



Female DOB January 27, 2018

Fergie living with Deb & Steve

Hi Susan, I wanted to let you know our Fergie (Daisy)

is fitting right in and doing well. Thank you again!


Male DOB April 8, 2108

Morgan living with Jennifer & Karl

Hi. Karl here with Morgan. Just an update.  He did not throw up in the car so that’s good.

Was awake and whined a bit but not bad Ate soft food last night and again this morning.

Are a bowl of hard food too.  Yelled and whined in his crate at bedtime but I put my shirt

over his door and he fell fast asleep. We tried taking him out every 90 minutes

or if I heard him. Never went potty. Peed this morning. Has not pooped yet.  He was playful

this morning then we crated him and he slept.  He has been up for about an hour again so we

are about to put him back to bed.  He’s very sweet and curious. Seems like he’s adjusting. 

Let me know if we are missing anything. 


Female DOB May 18, 2018

Willow living with Tara

She is doing awesome, she is the sweetest thing, we love her❤❤


Female DOB September 22, 2008

Chloe living with Kristin

Susan, I just want to say how thankful I am to have Chloe in my life! She is an absolutely beautiful and loyal dog.

I love to sit and snuggle with her and she also loves belly rubs in return! She has the most amazing "puppy dog eyes"

that she gives me whenever she wants something. I love her with all my heart and is definitely my little sidekick. 

She follows me everywhere, even into the bathroom and will wait until I finish my shower to leave the room!

 I now have a 2 1/2-year-old daughter who also loves "her Chloe!"

 Chloe was born 9-22-2008,  today she turned seven! Thank you again! Kristin


Female DOB April 18, 2014

Abby living with Rachel & Lydia

Hi Susan. We bought Butterscotch from your April 18th litter of Cavapoo puppies. We have changed

her name to "Abby." Just wanted to let you know she is doing great and such a playful, fun puppy

who has already brought a lot of joy to our family. She loves to play with other dogs and her and

our cat are starting to become friends. Here are some pictures of her. Thank you!   -Lydia and Rachel


Female DOB April 22, 2014

Mitsy living with Brenda & Dick

Hello Susan, First because we have a puppy named Penny we thought we needed to change 

Penelope's name.  We did not decide until this morning, but she is now Mitsy.  We had our wellness

check-up and all is good, they fell in love with her as we have.  She is doing well, and has been doing

well in housetraining.  Attached are a few pictures of her. Brenda


Female DOB April 22, 2014

Bella living with Michelle, Jon & Nate

Hello Susan - Just wanted you to know how great our new pup (FKA Pixie) is doing! 

We renamed her Bella.  She is doing well with every aspect.  She was awesome from the get go...

on the ride home we got stuck in highway construction traffic for an additional hour!  So

our 2 hour turned into 3+ hours.  She slept almost the entire way.  She went to the vet yesterday

and all is well.  Will send the form to you today.  Our cats are not very pleased but are slowing

warming up.  They will at least come into the same room with her and sit and stare at her from

a distance!  Small steps...Thanks for raising this little sweetie to this point!  We love her so

much already!  Attached is a pic from the car ride home.  Gratefully, Michelle, Jon, and Nate


Male DOB July 13, 2009

Charlie living with Jodi & Jon

I just wanted to send you a couple photos of our boys that we got from you.

  We got Charlie back in late August of 2009 and we got Max (Cockapoo) in June of 2011. 

They have been fabulous dogs; we LOVE them!! 


Female DOB April 3, 2011

Annie living with Gerry & Don


Female DOB October 2, 2013

Remy living with Penny

Daisy is Schnoodle from here also

DOB October 9, 2004


Female DOB March 25, 2012

Bella living with Crystal, Loren, Amanda & Haley

Hi Susan!  Here's some pictures of Bella (Olivia)
that we bought back in June.  Bella Olivia is doing great! 
She is just over 3 months in these pictures.  Our girls, Amanda and Haley
have had a busy summer taking care of her but have
had fun doing so.  She's been a great addition to the family.
Crystal and family


Female DOB May 2, 2012

Paisley living with Emily & Craig



Male DOB October 2, 2011

Louie living with Stacy

Hello, Updated picture of Louie who we adopted

from you December 2011.  He’s such a happy guy! Stacy


Male DOB March 20, 2011

Leo living with Rebecca & Jeff


Female DOB November 25, 2011

Misty living with Vicki, Jim, Mikhayla & Emily


Females DOB July 12, 2011

Kennedy & Kasey living with Teri & Bill



Female DOB November 23, 2010

Daisy living with Kate & Larry

Buddy is a Cockapoo from here also


Male DOB October 4, 2010

Scoobie living with Shelly

Frankie is a Schnoodle from here also


Female DOB  September 27, 2010

Molly living with Lisa & Jed


Female DOB July 7, 2010

Britta living with Lora


Britta & Ruby

Lisa & Lora are sisters


Female DOB July 29, 2010

Ruby living with Lisa


Female DOB April 2, 2009

Miley living with Larry, Pam, Eric & Emily


Female DOB August 29, 2009

Daisy living with Bill & Tammy



Female DOB July 29, 2010

Holly living with David & Judy



Male DOB July 13, 2009

Charlie living with Jodi & Jon


Male DOB February 21, 2008

Maxx living with Ken & Sandee

Princess is a Cockapoo from here also



Male DOB September 4, 2009

Tyler living with Chad & Kaia



Female DOB September 22, 2009

Sadie living with Katie & Jon


Female DOB October 6, 2007

Abbie living with John & Jackie



Male DOB June 2, 2007

Benji living with Lance & Melanie



Female DOB June 2, 2007

Bianca living with Kevin & Deborah



Male DOB April 26, 2007

Fletcher living with Brad & Jolene



Female DOB February 27, 2011

Penny living with Caitlin & Kalin

Hello, In the spring of 2011, you sold us our beautiful cockapoo! As I sit here on New Year’s Day

 hearing her jingle her collar as she scratches her beard, I realize how much love and enjoyment

 our dog Penny brings into our lives every day, and I wanted to say a heartfelt thank you. She is so smart,

 loving, and fun. During these tough pandemic times, it has been awesome having her work from home with us :)

You do a great service by breeding dogs and putting them with their families, and I want to thank you so much!!!

I still remember the day we picked her out with you like it was yesterday. I remember as you sold her to us

 you looked her in the eyes very kindly and said “now, be a good girl.” I thought that was super cool!

When you sold us our doggie, her name was Emma and she was born on 2-27-11.

 I think her brother’s name was Jackson. You sold her to us the first week in May 2011 I believe.

Hi Susan! You sold us our beautiful cockapoo 11 years ago. We named her Penny.

And she has done nothing but bring joy to us. I made a mistake and looked at your website

 and saw a beautiful doggie named Waldo (cool name). For some reason I keep looking at him. He’s too cute.

my wife said we should wait to get another dog

Thank you for doing what you do. The doggies you sell to people bring so much joy into our lives!!!

And thank you again for our family’s best friend,

PS when I was a little boy, we had a doggie who passed away, and Penny is the first pet I’ve had since then

 (24 years after my childhood pet passed away). So she means a lot to me :)



Female DOB October 17, 2021

Starr living with Gloria & Mike

She's growing like a weed and has a lot of attitude. Currently 14 pounds.

 A solid and sturdy puppy. She loves my husband. Starr loves running with the big girls.

We have Labrador Retrievers. She has been to doggie daycare a couple of times.

Loves riding in the car.. finally ☺️. Was groomed for the first time Saturday and did well.

She bonded with her groomer. Long legs and looks like a cute little poodle after grooming.

Was 21 weeks old on the 17th. Gloria and Mike


Female DOB August 31, 2021

Lucy living with Bethany

Hi Susan, Lucy is doing awesome!!! She settled right in and is an absolute delight!!

She has even started the potty training and catching on. She has eaten a little bit

and drinking with no problems. She didn’t even cry when time for bed.

She whined a little today when my daughter left for school but she is

getting use to her new environment sights and sounds. She started playing

last night. So funny. Thank you so much!! Bethany

Male DOB October 25, 2021

Dion living with Jean & Dave

Hello and Happy New Year! Update on the very spoiled puppy.

He went to the vet today and all checked out great. We will mail the form to you.

He has been a great puppy, loves eating, very smart, and is very happy.

He has figured out his new name already. Here is a picture of him

before going for a very short walk, we are slowly breaking him in.

He is wearing his boots and fancy harness.

Male DOB August 20, 2017

Baxter living with Mindy

Baxter joined our family on January 1, 2018. He is literally the joy of our lives. Baxter has

grown a little bigger than we expected, but that does not deter him from thinking he is a lap dog.

 He loves to be cuddled up near his family members. My son, who does not love to read,

 finds comfort when snuggling up next to Baxter reading his required books.

Baxter does a great job checking on the kids each night to make sure they are safely in bed,

 and then in the morning, also loves to give morning kisses to wake them up. Baxter loves

puppy playdates, car rides and traveling with the family while exploring the outdoors.

He is also a fabulous soccer and football cheerleader. Sitting nicely to watch the games.

 We couldn't have been blessed with a better addition to our family. We are thinking we may need another.


Female DOB January 25, 2019

Ruby living with Becky

Hello Susan, Just an update on Ruby, born Jan 25th. Ruby is now weighing 7 pounds.

She is training well. She is very smart and responsive. I think she is a living doll,

so does everyone who meets her. She will have her first full grooming in a couple weeks.

Hope you are doing well. Hello Susan, ( Rhianna born Jan 25) Ruby's first grooming,

almost 5 months old. Everyone who sees her, comments how adorable she is. Of course

 I agree 100%. She is a wonderful companion. She graduates this week from Level One

puppy training. Becky  Ruby is showing off after she was groomed. She is now 9 months old.

She is growing so fast. Her coloring is beautiful. She is a very smart dog and

loves to please. I will be curious if she will like the snow,!


Female DOB August 11, 2019

Charlotte Joy living with Laura & Jim

Hi Susan! We are LOVING our puppy! She has finally been named...Charlotte Joy

and we are calling her Lottie. She already knows her name! She’s so sweet.

Everyone loves her. We’ve had at least 10 families come over to meet her so far.

 It’s been so fun! Our kids were very surprised and thrilled beyond belief!!!

Thank you!!!! Laura and Jim

Male DOB October 18, 2014

Gus living with Kerry & Troy

Susan, Never sent any pictures of gus to you! He will be 5 in October!

He is the sweetest boy ever and I love him so much! Thanks Kerry


Female DOB April 17, 2019

Pippi living with Gail & Dave

Good Afternoon

A few months ago we bought a cockapoo puppy her name was Krystal.

She is doing well and is potty trained and kennel trained, though she's barely

ever in it. Her and other dog have become best friends....it just took

awhile. I have attached a picture of her so you can see how much she's grown.

She has had her second grooming, the groomers and the vet all love her

to pieces...as do we. Best, Gail


Female DOB May 16, 2019

Carmel living with Lee & Kevin

She has really come out of her shell and is getting into mischief. She

only had a couple accidents and knows her name. Hope you got the vet info.


Male DOB March 11, 2017

Hershey living with Kevin

Sue, We said when we left that we would send you updated pictures

 of Hershey. Here are a couple of pictures of him. He loves to go on walks,

chase his ball and getting attention from anyone who will give it to him.

He is a great dog. Kevin


Male DOB March 24, 2017

Niko living with Lisa & Kevin

Thought you’d like a pic of Niko. He’s well loved, behaved,

and gets along well with other dogs. He’s a happy puppy!
Kevin and Lisa

Female DOB December 26,2016

Nikki living with Eileen

Nikki is Queen of the house. She loves to run and play with her friends (3 cats).

She tells me whenever she has to go outdoors and even when to go to bed!!

She absolutely loves people! She is so loving. She thinks everyone is her friend.

Nikki loves to go on car rides and view the scenery. She will be nine months

old this month and I wouldn't trade her for the world. Thank you so much! Eileen

Male DOB February 19, 2018

Buddy living with Skip

This is Skip. Thought would give you an update.....His name is Buddy.

 He is 14 mo and weighs 19lbs. Birthday was Feb 19th, 2018.

I have attached a picture, as he is an awesome dog. Thanks


Female DOB August 29, 2017

Maggie living with Lesley & Richard

HI: Maggies DOB is August 29th 2017. My and my husbands name is Lesley and Richard

 I am attaching a picture of the day we were driving home with her. She really is

adorable and settled in very well. Lesley Thought I’d send you a picture of Maggie.

She’s doing really well and loves playing with the bigger dog we have. She’s a gem.


Female DOB January 23, 2018

Squish living with Jill & Eric

Susan, Hi! I just wanted to give you an update on Squish. After much thought

we decided to let her keep her name. She has settled in and is truly a member of our family.

She is potty training really well and loves to be outside. Here is an updated

picture of her in her new bed! Thanks, Jill, Eric, Zoey, Mia, Emma , & Squish


Male DOB March 24, 2017

Albert living with Thom & Fabio

Hello Mrs Susan. Good evening! Is with so much happiness I would like would like to

Thank you for our puppie Otis from 3.24.2017, in two days will complete 2 years old.

His name now is Albert and he is a bless in our lives. He also got selected to be a

 dog model for PetSmart magazine for the month of April. He is so handsome

and full of energy. Here is some pictures of him. Father's: Thom and Fabio Sincerely, Fabio


Male DOB February 26, 2018

Oliver living with Sarah & Paul

Hi Susan! I just wanted to send a photo of Oliver to you. He has adjusted

great to our family and we absolutely adore him!


Male DOB June 28, 2016

Merlin Samuel living with Sharon & Jim

Female DOB April 6, 2017

Lucy Lu living with Christie & Jim

Hi, we bought a puppy from you last September 2016. Her name was Tequila.  She is now Lucy Lu. 
Attached are her first pics we saw of her from your website. Then of Lucy just last month. 
We are so very happy with her!  My husband wants another, but I'm not ready for two dogs.


Male DOB March 9, 2018

Riley living with Heidi & Michael

Hi Susan! As you can see no problem eating for our little Riley (aka Ollie). He is eating like crazy!  

He is even making new friends. Hope all is well with you. Heidi and Michael Hi again! Ollie is doing

so well. He is such a joy to our family. We just adore him! He has taken over the house

and should have. Lol I am figuring out puzzles too!  Mom says I am so smart!

It's me Riley (aka Ollie). It's my Birthday today 1 year old. My mom and dad love me so.

We are celebrating my birthday today. Thought I'd send you the latest pictures of me

and tell you I am doing great and my family loves me more than anything. We are a happy family


Female DOB February 19, 2018

Stella living with Gabrielle & Justin

Hi Susan! We have changed Layla's name to Stella :) She's doing well and

had her first Vet appointment today - all is well. She did well flying! Justin

Male DOB May 27, 2017

Cooper living with Joe

Cooper is now 20 lbs. He is such a great addition to our family. We love him so much.

He stays in his cage at night, and only relieves himself on the pads in bathroom when needed.

He has to constantly have something in his mouth, and wants to be by your side all the time, or play.

 Thanks for selling him to us. Joseph

Male DOB January 23, 2018

Frankie living with Renee & Mark

Here’s a picture for your website of our handsome nugget! We also think our little nugget is gorgeous!

 We are in love! I adopted “Bear” in March. He was a 7 month old cockapoo. We call him Frankie

 now and he has been a wonderful dog. We have taken him to obedience classes and he is a rock star. Renée


Female DOB January 27, 2017

Scarlett living with Kirsten & Brian

Hi Susan! Now that our Scarlett is one year old, I thought I'd share an update and some photos.

 (DOB 1/27/17 Cockapoo) Scarlett is very independent, but also very loving and snuggly.

She is sometimes mischievous and always finds a way to get in trouble. She loves to snuggle

and sleep in (which we love). She loves to get her belly rubbed. She is an eager learner, good at sitting,

shaking and giving high fives. Scarlett loves walks and hikes. She is now 18 pounds.

She is such a joy to have in our family. Here are some photos from her first birthday celebration.

Thank you for blessing us with this sweet girl! Brian & Kirstin (Healey & Cela too)


Female DOB December 26, 2016

Maya living with Brenda & Tom

Hi Susan. Just giving you an update on Maya. As you can see she is fitting in quite well.

She is adorable and we love her to bits. Cheers. Tom…


Male DOB November 30, 2018

Benny living with Jennifer & Brad

He is doing great!

Hi Susan Sundance does have a new name it is Benny!!

He is such a great dog! We love him to pieces!!

Male DOB August 7, 2016

Male DOB August 8, 2016

Korey & Murdock living with Ruth & Jason


Female DOB September 19, 2016

Grayce living with Heather & Jesse

Hi Susan! Wanted to send you a picture of Gracye(Vivian). She is getting so big!
Such a good puppy and we adore her so much!


Male DOB September 2, 2017

Coco living with Dylan & Guille

Hello Susan, A year ago we made one of the best decisions ever, we decided to complete our family with Coco,

the most beautiful chocolate pup. we want to thank you for taking care of him before we met him, he was and is definitely

a healthy puppy. We will definitely contact you when the time to find a brother/sister for Coco comes. You mentioned that

 we could send pictures and updates of him and we are excited to tell you that he is surrounded by love every day.

He couldn’t be better. Best Guille, Dylan and Coco


Female DOB January 20, 2011

Bella living with Cody, Susan & Shannon

She’s doing excellent, very healthy and very loving. She’s our little baby. Cody


Female DOB June 21, 2017

Lily living with Greta

Lily is doing a great job we've had her for 1 year now! Thanks so much:)

Hi just wanted to let you know Lilly is doing great!

Female DOB October 14, 2018

Zoe living with Mary & James


Male DOB March 9, 2018

Riley living with Heidi & Michael

My first Haircut..……. Riley is growing (aka Ollie)

He is doing well with going outside to do his business, very little problems.

He also knows sit and lay down.

He is a joy to our family, and we just love him so. We are on the way

to vet today for his shots. Thanks for everything. Heidi



Male DOB October 11, 2018

Frankie living with Cathy & Steve

Frankie discovered my Christmas Snow people. Good rider in the car. 
Frankie loves Steve's shoe strings. Frankie is a fun puppy.  
We love him dearly.  He has his 2nd puppy follow up vet check 12/17.  
He eats well, sleeps like a rock, and enjoys romping around outside.  
Frankie already goes to the back door half of the time when 
he needs to go out.  He sits to get a treat for being a 
good boy outside.  Sometimes he has barked to go outside.  
We are so happy to have him with us. We'll stay in touch. Cathy Steve

Hello from Johnston, IA. We love this pup! He’s grown from 4lbs in December to 14.5lbs.

in late March when he was neutered. The surgery didn’t bother him much. Frankie loves

people and thinks everyone on the street is supposed to pat and play with him. We walk

him 3-4 times a day and everyone seems to know his name. Frankie likes his crate and can

sleep comfortably there. He just had a puppy hair cut in the 1st photo. His coat is a bit longer

in the next two. There is a window near his crate when we are gone so he guards the yard.

Love that face! He loves to watch outside anytime. Now you can see how he has grown.

We are so happy to have found your website. Frankie is healthy, very smart, and good around

people. He’ll start obedience training soon. He already walks well on a leash, sits on command,

and comes when called. Thank you fort he special care you give your puppies and mamas. Cathy and Steve

Hi Susan ~Our Frankie is 9 months old now and thriving. We bought him from you in December.

We came for his sister but fell in love with Frankie’s face.These photos are a mix from the past 7 months.

We caught him licking dishes in the dishwasher, getting caught digging in a plant, and getting

various hugs. The one toward the end with the red ball was posted on Facebook, earning many

Frankie fans. I throw the red ball for him to chase and return. That time, the ball stuck in the step stool.

Frankie looked at me as if to say, “You’re kidding me. “What do I do with this one?” His face is so

expressive! Frankie is smart, too. This pup keeps giving us love, licks, and reasons to laugh.

Thank you for the loving care you give your mothers and pups. Sincerely, Cathy and Steve

Male DOB October 11, 2018

Dawson living with Rebecca & Jim

Adjusting wonderful! His name is Dawson. He seems very happy here! He is eating a lot of 
snow when we take him out, but I didn't think that was too much of a concern?!  He is a lover!
Merry Christmas Susan! I'm having a safe & happy holiday...Rebecca Jim


Male DOB October 14, 2004

living with Patricia

Hello- we bought a Cockapoo from you that was born 10/14/2004.

He brought us much joy until his passing at the age of 14. This was my Max.

Thank you bringing him in my life. Pat

Male DOB July 23, 2018

Leo living with Katelynne

Happy holidays from Leo in Duluth! (Formerly Mitch)

Female DOB April 2, 2018

Pepper living with Karen & Tom

She is a lovely little dog.  She is currently only 11 pounds. 

She has a wonderful personality.  We love her to pieces.

She is doing amazing.  She is a high energy bundle of love. 

She absolutely loves the backyard (nice high privacy fence)

that has plenty of squirrels to chase.  She loves everyone. Karen

Male DOB December 5, 2016

Harry living with Rebecca & Josh

Hi Susan, I believe it was you who sold us our cockapoo, chewy on 4/2/17.

We renamed him Harry and love him to pieces. You bred the best cockapoo in the world.

He’s just a special dog and everyone who meets him loves him. He did so well with learning

commands and knows a bunch. He’s very smart. He gets along well with other

friends and relatives dogs. Here are some pictures of him :) Becky


Male DOB September 8, 2016

Bingo living with Krista

His name is Bingo. He is wonderful! I couldn't ask for a better dog.

He was easily potty trained within a few weeks. He's great with kids. He is so friendly and obedient.

 I can leave the front door open to carry groceries in and he just sits inside the door.

 I never have to worry about him running off when we go up north to the cabin.

He loves everyone. He is absolutely perfect

Female DOB October 14, 2018

Valerie living with Marcia & Dave

Susan, Here are a couple of pictures of Valerie.  She is doing wonderful! 

She is 99% potty trained on pads.  We will work on outside potty when it’s nicer. Dave


Male DOB December 2, 2016

Oliver living with Kayla & Lucas

Here are a few Photos of Oliver who we bought back in February of 2017.

He’s now a fully grown cockapoo at 30 lbs. Oliver’s favorite pastime is

hunting with dad and being outside. Very loving dog, energetic

and has been a blessing in our lives. 

Lucas & Kayla 

Male DOB October 14, 2018

Bucky living with Carine & Michael

he’s perfect!

He jumps around in his gear and loves the snow.  He is only out for a few minutes.   

But the whole outside world is a wonder to him!  We have 6500 square feet of Home.

3 acres of fenced lawn-he will be in heaven!

Very spunky.  Mastered up and down stairs already!

My first fur cut And i am going potty a lot outside! 
Sleeping 6 hours a night. in a crate by Mamas bed.

Male DOB October 14, 2018

Sammy living with Tona & Tim

Hi Susan...  just checking in.  Riley is now "Sammy".
He is doing great.  We took him into our vet on Friday. he is great.  
Happy New Year to you...  it will be a good one for us. 

Female DOB October 11, 2018

Ginger living with Patty

Ginger fka Fancy is thriving!!!

Male DOB September 2, 2017

Sully living with Wendy

Merry Christmas from Sully! Hi all!

Sully has had a great first year with us. He is such a smart young lad.

He has a wonderful disposition and learns faster than you can imagine!
Hope you and yours are doing well!
Wendy and family


Female DOB October 11, 2018

Amara living with Nicole

She did great at the vet today! Got a shot and didn't even flinch, 
she was too interested in the snacks they were giving her ha ha
Now 7lbs, has had her 3rd distemper and rabies vaccine. 
She had her first pup cut and wasn't scared at all! 
She now climbs over her playpen when I'm gone...little stinker. 
She's doing well on potty training not 100% there yet. 
She's making new pup friends, she now has 5 friends to play with, 
she loves big dogs! She's a tough little cookie


Male DOB July 28, 2018

Milo living with Tori & Tommy

Hey Susan and fam!

Thanks again for little Otis who we renamed Milo!

Tori my wife was so surprised when I showed up

to dinner that first night with an early 30th

bday present! Thanks again- you made my wife’s

decade completely!  And puppy is happy and healthy so far!

Thanks again,

Tommy and Tori


Male DOB July 23, 2018

Diezel living with Judy & Darrell

Diezel is doing great!! Eating, drinking, playing!

Pees, poops, sleeps, plays hard


Male DOB July 19, 2918

Axel living with Erin & Tracy

Hi Susan! This is Erin. Axel's vet check was great. Sending the form out to you in mail today.

Yes. Axel is very fitting for him. He is taking well to his crate at night and he's catching on to

potty training well. A couple accidents here and there, but overall really well!! He's fast asleep

next to me right now. Begging like a good boy. :) Sitting like a good boy. :)



Female DOB July 19, 2018

Stella living with Jordyn & Drake

She is doing great! No accidents yet!
Stella is doing great & getting so big! 
Hope you had a great Holiday season!
Male DOB May 14, 2018
Toby living with Shiryle

Just wanted you to know that Toby is adjusting well. The first few days he spent

sitting in the crate and not coming out. I was a little worried that something was wrong:

he was just trying to adjust to the new surroundings. He's up and about acting like a puppy;

licking, jumping, playing. He has even learned to jump up on the love seat.

Thanks okay with me. He's been going pee and poop outside most of the time with only a few mistakes.

He's getting plenty of socialization and love from my neighbors and their dogs.

Thanks for caring for him the first three months. Here's a video and some pics.


Female DOB April 7, 2018

Layla living with Rebecca & James

Girls playing tug a war this morning,  Layla doing well 
has pooped , peed and ate last night and this morning.  
She was sick a few times on way we stopped twice 
and let her play in grass and that helped

Female DOB March 21, 2018

Chloe living with Beth & Anthony

Baby Candi, now Chloe, is making herself right at home.  
She steals the big dogs toys and takes them to her crate.  
She hasn't had an accident in the house either. 
 Very smart and sassy girl

Male DOB February 19, 2018

Lambeau living with Abigail & Mike

We are loving life with Marshall- now Lambeau. 
You weren't kidding about him crying- 
last night was much better- we put Edith's kennel 
next to his and he went right to sleep. 
Knows how to sit and shake already! 


Female DOB  February 3, 2016

Gracie Mae living with Jodi & David

Female DOB September 19, 2016

Luna living with Sonia & Nick

Hi Susan, I believe by now you should have received the vet report for our puppy.

Luna (aka Jillian) is doing great!  The car trip home went very well and she usually sleeps all night. 

We are working hard at potty training and have had just a few accidents this week.

The kids love her and think she is the cutest puppy in the world!  She is very quiet,

but has a lot of fun running outside with the kids and neighbors.  Attached are a few pictures!!

Hope you’re doing great! Sonia



Female DOB August 7, 2016

Milly living with Jenna & Jay

Good morning Susan,  I just wanted to share a few pictures of Milly (Harmony).

We just absolutely love her. She is adjusting well to our home and is spoiled rotten already.

She had a great ride home, never got sick. She slept in bed with us last night.

She is beginning to get the hang of potty training outside. She is eating and drinking well!

Milly is adjusting to her new home very well! I just wanted to send you an

update and a few photos. We love her so much already! She has a vet appointment today.

She is eating, drinking, and sleeping well. She is full of spunk. Working on getting

potty training accomplished, as she often gets excited and goes inside.

We will get there! We are so glad we found you and were able to add her to our family.

 Thank you so much! Jenna

Male DOB June 10, 2016

Lambeau living with Beth & Paul

Hi Susan, Lambeau is doing great. He did great on the way home and has been a sweetie ever since.

He met all his brothers and sister and gave them all snuggles. He slept through the night quietly in his crate.

Today he learned to walk on a leash. He also got to meet his Grandparents and had a

play date with their Yorkie puppy who will be his best bud. He has taken many naps and plays a little

between naps. He is soooo smart and already knows his name, come and sit. He is eating well and

has not had any accidents inside (yet). We love him so much already and thank you

for raising such a perfect little guy for our family. Beth and Paul

Male DOB June 4, 2016

Finley living with Caitlin & Roger

Roger and I just wanted to share with you an update on Buffy's puppy Buck,

who we adopted back in September. We named him Finley, or Finn for short.

He is doing wonderfully! He has brought us so much joy and laughter!

He is happy, healthy, and quite smart too! Here are a few pictures! :) 

Thanks, Caitlin and Roger

Male DOB April 2, 2016

Thor living with Jill & Rob

Hi Susan,  Well, Thor is now 4 months old, about 13 pounds, and doing great! 

We just love him so much (as does everyone he meets!!). He is now in puppy classes

and learning the basic commands, as well as a few tricks.  He has enjoyed spending

lots of time out on the Lacrosse fields this summer and several camping trips,

 including the most recent to Mackinac Island. He is just so darn cute!!! I have attached

another pic of him riding in our wagon out on the ball field.  All of the girls just LOVE him!!
Hope you have a good rest of your summer!

Female DOB April 9, 2016

Simone living with Dorri

Hi Susan, I just wanted to send a few pictures and let you know

that Piper (Simone) is doing well! She is a spunky little gal that everyone gravitates

toward because of her cuteness and personality.  She's going in for

her first grooming in a couple weeks. She is loved and adored! Take care, Dorri

Male DOB December 9, 2015

Otis living with Karissa

Hello Susan, Hope all has been well with you. I just wanted to send you a few pictures of Otis,

the cockapoo I got from you a couple months ago. He has certainly let things fun, interesting,

entertaining and cheerful. He is now about 35 pounds and knows how to sit, stay, lay and come.

Thanks for providing me with such an amazing and unique dog that is full of companionship and love.

He gets along very well with the young children my family as well as everybody else willing to pet

him on the head. My parents have a teddy bear pup who is 6 months old and those two are best buds!

Take care, Karissa

Female DOB October 19, 2015

Dorothy living with Katie & Struan

Female DOB September 24, 2015

Sophie  living with Cheri & Bill


Male DOB September 21, 2015

Marley living with Traci & Andrew

Male DOB September 24, 2015

Floyd living with Kim

Male DOB September 24, 2015

Leo living with Ashliegh



Female DOB May 25, 2015

Stout living with Cydni

Males DOB October 22, 2014

Spudz & Riley living with Carla & Richard

Female DOB June 1, 2015

Bianca living with Alexis & Eric

Hi Susan! This is Bianca. She is the sweetest, funniest, rambunctious, trouble-making little girl!

She is getting so big and weighs 8lbs now! She really loves running around the farm with Dad.

She follows him everywhere! We have a few accidents here and there, but for the most part,

potty training is pretty much over :) if she could spend every minute of the day at the

 puppy park, she would. She's a very outgoing, loving puppy. She always has to make sure

 she says Hi to everyone! Thank you again Susan, you really have given us

the best puppy we could have ever asked for. We love her so much!!

Female DOB May 30, 2015

Lila living with Jenna


Male DOB November 25,2014

Charlie living with Janelle & Lance

Female DOB December 27, 2014

Orchid living with Denise

She's a good traveler. No vomiting.

She's doing great. Eating, sleeping, drinking, peeing, pooping and playing very well. 

She plays with the puppy in the mirror.


Male DOB September 21, 2013

purchased August of 2014

Rocky living with Michelle & Craig

Female DOB April 4, 2014

June living with Tanya & Phil

Hi Susan Wanted to send an updated photo of June. She is 3 mos. old now. 

She has changed and matured so quickly.  She is an excellent puppy. 

 Lovely, energetic and smart! Thanks again, Tanya & Phil


Male DOB September 25, 2013

purchased May 2014

Duncan living with Abby & Casey

Hi! Sending an update that our "son" Duncan is doing well! He loves to cuddle-

his idea of the best seat in the house is usually your lap. He loves smelling everything

on walks and loves to chew on his toys. He knows "sit", "leave it", "down", and "come here" so far. :)

Female DOB April 12, 2014

Bella living with Mary

Hi from "Harper". Now called Bella!  Bella did so well on the drive home. Slept most of the way.

No emesis. She is resting here after play time. She's eating , drinking , peeing , and pooping . 

Seems to be adjusting well. (-:  We head to our first vet visit Monday. 
Thanks so much for this special warm , soft , fuzzy , gift !  Blessings on your day , Mary B

Bella getting ready to go show off !

What a hit Bella was at the Vets - Every where I go she grabs attention !  My my . 

She weighed 3 .5 lbs  - She is a healthy little one per the vet . Mary and Bella

Female DOB February 11, 2014

Stella living with Nancy & Kirk

Hi Susan - Here is a pic of Precious playing in our front yard. She seems really

happy in her new home. Thanks for such a special pup!
We call her Stella.  Nancy

Female DOB March 26, 2009

Dixie living with Jessica & Eric

 hello, I gave your website today to someone who was looking for a good place to get a dog,

and as I was thinking about you, I thought I would send an update about Dixie, who was

born March 2009.Dixie has a pretty awesome life.  She spends her days with Grandma and Boppa,

who call her "Dixie the Dog Sharing Dog" and take her for pontoon rides in the summer,

walks in the spring and fall and even winter when its not too cold.  She comes home in the

afternoon and her whole body wiggles when its time to greet her kids as they get off the school bus.

She LOVES to play with her kids, and to chase the bunny invaders from the yard.  She rarely barks

(those darn bunnies).  She loves to go the cabin and camping with us.  She happily sleeps in a tent

with us .  At home she sleeps every night on our heads on her special pillow.  She's been as healthy

as can be; no illnesses or vet visits other than her annual checkups and the one time she so

enthusiastically threw herself off the couch to greet us that she crashed into the coffee table

and dislocated her shoulder.  She is the happiest, healthiest, sweetest dog and we can't

imagine life without her.  thank you.

Male DOB August 22, 2013

Oreo living with Erin, Jon & family

Oreo is so patient with our children and they love him so much. He has been

such a wonderful addition to our family! We will keep checking the website

for a potential puppy friend for him!


Male DOB July 30, 2013

Moe living with Kelli

Hi Susan/ Rex, Just wanted to give you another update and some pics of Moe (formerly Boone).  

I purchased Moe from you last Sep/Oct. He's potty trained however every now and then has an

accident. He loves his older brother, Lou, a 4 year old Springer Spaniel. They nap together, play, take

walks side by side, share their toys, and even right now as I sit outside on the deck with them they

are each chewing on opposite ends of the same stick.  We go on walks almost every day. He does

well on and off his leash (he stays nearby without me even having to call him). We rotate between

the off leash dog park, the regular park and the nearby state park. He has no problem meeting new

dogs and is always friendly to people and pets alike. The neighborhood children love him.   

Hope you are enjoying the sun and the other puppies in your life are doing well. -Kelli

Male DOB July 30, 2013

Moe living with Kelli

Hi Susan, Just wanted to give you an update on Boone. The drive home went well.

He spent most it in my lap Although, I think the bounce from the drive gave him an upset

stomach because he got a little nauseous an hour or so into the drive. Once we got home

he was was better and settled in very quickly. He slept well, in his crate with his

blanket, in my room with me, and went to sleep in about 15 mins.

Today him and Lou (my 3 year old Springer) have been playing all morning. The adjustment-

for both of them- is going better than expected. I've attached a pic of him in his little flannel fleece

that he wears when going outside. -Kelli

Male DOB August 14, 2013

Sammy living with Susan & Cary

Hi Susan-I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that Buddy

(now known as Sam "Sammy" is doing great! He loves his new family

and especially his Cockapoo brother & sister. His Cockapoo sister is a

mother hen and attends to his every need. If he cries, she is right there giving him a kiss

and laying next to him. He loves running in the yard and getting into mischief,

as shown in the picture at the bottom. He is starting to eat well and we are already

making good progress with the potty training. All in all, off to a good start!

Thanks again for Buddy, aka Sam! Susan

Female DOB March 27, 2013

Khloi Sapphire living with Tammy

Susan attached are some pictures of Khloi Sapphire. She has added so

much to our house hold! Great puppy! She loves to have a bath, loves paper,

loves to play with a little ball and she loves all people! The only thing she

does not like is to be alone. She is an amazing pup!  Thank you, Tammy

Female DOB August 14, 2013

Molly living with Meredith & Brian

Sue, Wanted to let you know everything is going great with Molly

(aka Petula's new name)! We took her to the vet today and all is well.

She is so well behaved and smart. She has been going potty outside

and on newspaper in her pen and hasn't had any accidents in our house. 

Enclosed is a picture of Molly relaxing at our house.  Meredith

Female DOB July 30, 2013

Mollie living with Janine

Male DOB April 27, 2011

Max living with Jodi & Jon

I just wanted to send you a couple photos of our boys that we got from you. 

We got Charlie (Cavapoo) back in late August of 2009 and we got Max in

June of 2011.  They have been fabulous dogs; we LOVE them!! 

Female DOB August 22, 2013

Bailey living with Anne & family

We are so loving Bailey (Annie)!

Female DOB May 20, 2013

Macy living with Kim & Tyler

Rex and Susan, I have been meaning to send you a picture of her

for a while and I am glad to finally have a chance! She is getting big

and doing well! Cute as a button! We absolutely adore her!  Thanks, 

Female DOB November 17, 2009

Jazz living with Kathy & Rick

Female DOB January 10, 2013

Dixie living with Kathy & Rick

Hi Susan - Thought I would send you pictures of the two Cockapoo’s

we got from you, they are both just the sweetest things, don’t know

what we would do without them.  Jazz – Got her Jan 30, 2010 – I think

her name was Jasmine – she is the white one - Dixie – Got her

March 16, 2013 –think her name was Priscilla – They are

half-sisters, Mom was Ruthie - Kathy and Rick

Female DOB July 8, 2013

Daisy Jo living with Nanci & Pat

Good morning Susan  Here are a couple of pics and I’ve got the health cert going out in the mail today.

It was a pleasure meeting you and we thank you for taking such good care of Daisy Jo

prior to our paths crossing. We took her on a little ride yesterday hoping it would help with her

car sickness. Needless to say there were a couple of pics I couldn’t send, but we think

she’s starting to handle it better. From what we saw and the wonderful health your puppies

are in, says a lot about you and the love you show them prior to there forever homes.

So thank you again for taking such good care of our little Daisy Jo.  Pat


Hi Susan Daisy Jo is turning into the mistress of the house all ready,

it’s been a quick 2 weeks all ready and she is doing wonderful, she potty

trained all ready and fetching ball, she is going to be one smart little puppy.

We love our little girl and our other dogs are starting to accept she’s not leaving

so things are going good. I hope you and your family, have a safe and

happy thanksgiving, take care. PS she’s a good little sleeper as the picture shows

and a good eater; she waits so politely for her food, can you tell we love her

We love our little girl so much


Male DOB February 3, 2013

Bo living with Shellie & Dave

Hi Susan,
My husband Dave and I purchased the Cockapoo puppy “Rascal” from you on April 12th.

I wanted to let you know that we absolutely adore our puppy! We named him “Bo”

and he is just the best little guy for us. I think you raise very good looking and

well behaved dogs. We would never hesitate to purchase another dog from you!

Thank you! Shellie

Male DOB October 26, 2012

Watson living with Lynn & Dave

Hello Susan - time goes by so fast!! Just had to take a minute though to share some pictures we

took of "Watson" your little Mel today on his birthday. We all love him very much. He's a happy

little guy and he loves to sit on our laps and play fetch and have his tummy rubbed - he's been

healthy and happy. He's grown a lot - though he hasn't been to the vet since his last set of vaccinations

(that's a good thing) so I can't tell you what he weighs! He's been a busy guy too - tons of baseball

and soccer games - through Spring Fall and Summer; he LOVES all the attention he gets and he's cute

and smiley so he gets alot :) Also I've taken him to 3 sets of training classes - Puppy Kindergarten -

Beginner Obedience and Intermediate Obedience...he's so smart he passed all 3 on his first time

through so now he has his AKC Good Citizenship certificate...I think we've got the hang of this dog

in the family thing so for the time being we're done with classes. Depending on where he's at though

maturity wise, when he turns 2 or 3 I plan to take him back for Therapy Dog training course...There's an

elementary school right next to us if we do the reading pal route or there's also a nursing home within walking

distance if we go that route. He LOVES other dogs and every time we drove up to his school he'd be squirming

to get out of his harness and pull all the way to the door - He LOVES his daily walks and he knows where to look

for our neighbors and where the dogs are to see if he gets to stop to visit. Hope all is well with you -

We are so happy to have Watson with us~ Thanks, Lynn

Male DOB October 26, 2013

Bentley living with Mary, Mike, Danielle & Shaun

We bought a Cockapoo from you last December and we would like to share

some pictures of him with you. The puppy we bought from you was named Kris,

but we changed his name to Bentley. Bentley is doing well and he is a great addition to our

family. He just turned one on Saturday Oct. 26. He brings lots of laughter and joy into our lives!
Hope all is well!

Female DOB March 18, 2013

Grace living with Sarah & Adam

Grace is doing amazing!!  She is a very very hyper puppy,

which is just great because she loves our big yard!

Male DOB March 26, 2009

Harley living with Mary

Hi We purchased Charlie (now
Harley) about 3 years ago. He is the best cockapoo I have
ever had. Sooo sweet and loveable. Thank you! Best Regards

Male DOB October 26, 2012

Koda living with Ashley & Josh

We adopted "Kringle" - now named Koda - on December 14. he was born on
oct. 26. we LOVE him! He is the best thing since sliced bread. He was
only 3 pounds when we brought him home but at about 7 months old he is
around 17 pounds. Thank you for our little ball of fur!
Josh & Ashley

Male DOB January 20, 2013

Chase living with Julie

I wanted to send you a photo of Chase with his new "brother" Frank.

They are all settling in nicely and love playing together! Frank likes to clean

Chase after he comes inside from playing. He was a huge hit at the vet and store

where everyone had to meet him. He's made a few new dog friends as well and enjoys

going in the car for visits. He will be starting puppy kindergarten in a couple weeks.

We are also thinking of sending him to doggy daycare one day a week because he's so social

and we want to keep that trait in him. He is slightly spoiled! I've had a few friends ask for your

website info so I've passed it along. He's a very good boy and makes everyone who meets him smile!
Thanks, Julie

Female DOB January 20, 2013

Autumn living with Melissa & Troy

Hello Susan!
Coco (now Autumn) is home with us and doing great! She is such an adorable little girl.

She's sleeping OK, eating well and playing with everything!
I thought you'd like to see some photos. We love her,

and are so glad she is home with us! Thank you,

Male DOB May 19, 2012

Bennett living with Amy & Jon

Hi Susan

Bennett (Weatherby) is doing GREAT.

He has really adapted well to his new home

 and he is loved very much.



Male DOB December 13, 2012

Napolean living with Dee & Red







Female DOB January 10, 2013

Penny living with Julie & family

Hi Susan,
Our little Penny is adjusting well to her new home.....

WE LOVE HER!!!  This picture is my daughter Maggie holding her! 

We will keep you updated with pictures as she grows! 

Thank you for blessing our lives with this new little doll! 
Sincerely, Julie


Female DOB April 28, 2012

Zoey living with Kristin & Matthew

Hi Susan,
We just want to give you an update and some photos, I think I promised to

and of course have finally gotten around to it, Zoey was born Araianna

 we now call her Zoey, and if she is in trouble we call her Zoey Arianna! 

Mostly she is called Zo Zo on the Go Go!  She is about 25 pounds and the

comedian of the family, a little naughty but so lovable and cute most of her

naughty gets blamed on the kids! She loves the snow and will be play catch

until she falls down in exhaustion and then will recharge for 2 - 3 minutes and its

time to play catch again! She loves chasing after bikes and has found herself in a

pickle a few times - getting loose but luckily the good Lord must have been looking

over her. Hope all is well!


Female DOB June 9, 2012

MIzu living with Carmen, Cherie & Mel

Male DOB November 24, 2011

Gus living with Karen & Arlen

Hi  Just wanted to let you know that we love our Gus that we got from you last January. 

He is 100% loved and very spoiled as well, but he doesn't seem to mind....  He loves to go

for rides in the car and walks in the park and gets so excited when he hears those words. 

He is pretty smart and will say please when he wants treats.  He is however, a little scared of

new things.  I bought him new food and water bowls a while back, filled them and put them

where the old ones were. He barked and growled at them for almost 2 hours before he would

finally get close to them.  He loves other dogs- the neighbors have a golden retriever about the

same age as Gus and they ruined quite a few fence boards last summer so they could visit each

other. They sure had fun together though!  He is a very special part of the family and my friends

say he is my 'midlife baby'.  He is and I call him my baby.  He is about 30 pounds now and is

finally starting to cuddle with me.  He was pretty hyper and I was worried that I would not have my

cuddling puppy. He still has puppy in him and wants to play, but will let me hold him now.
Thanks again for a wonderful addition to our family!
Karen Gillette Wyoming

Female DOB June 22, 2012

Gretta living with Molly & Tareyl

I just wanted to send you an up date on our puppy Gretta (sold as
Victoria). We adopted her on September 18th 2012. We absolutely love
her and could not imagine life without her. She is the best puppy, and
is so well mannered. We get compliments on her all the time! Attached
are a couple photos of her. One of them is shortly after we brought
her home, she LOVES sticks and being outside! The other one is just
recently after she got her first short hair cut, she's SO cute!
Thanks for everything!

Female DOB April 29, 2012

Mia living with Linda

Male DOB December 15, 2012

Leo living with Cole & Haily

We bought Leo from you back in February (he was named Diego then)

 – thought you would like to see a pic of him, he’s the best dog,

we couldn’t have asked for a better one – Thanks!

Male DOB May 7, 2012

Buster living with Jennifer & Nathan

Buster is now 6.5 months old!  He is loved and adored by our  family and friends. He potty trained

easily and has been so good with the kids!  Thanks so much for this wonderful Cockapoo!


Female DOB February 13, 2012

Olive living with Rebecca


Male DOB November 10, 2011

Shadow living with Hannah, Carrie & Daniel

Female DOB February 25, 2006

Madison living with Linda & Keith


Male & Female DOB June 23, 2011

Sammy & Amy living with Debbie & Dan

Female DOB June 25, 2011

Addison Marie living with Jenelle


Male DOB April 13, 2011

Max living with Jenna & Andrew


Female DOB May5, 2010

Nala living with Shelley & Kelly



Male DOB January 24, 2011

Cooper living with Fred & David

Male DOB January 27, 2011

Jackson living with Mark & Steph

Male DOB April 4, 2008

Buddy living with Amanda & Cory


Female DOB September 8, 2009

Maggie living with Meg, Morgan & Mia


Male DOB September 8, 20009

Shane living with Meg, Morgan & Mia


Male DOB May 4, 2011

Lucky living with Tia & Steve

Female DOB December 17, 2010

Lauren living with Kim & Brad

Female DOB July 23, 2010

Priscilla living with Barb

19 lbs. on 1st BDay


Male DOB January 5, 2010

Buddy living with Kate & Larry

Daisy is a Cavapoo from here also


Male DOB December 7, 2010

Finn living with Julie & Larry


Female DOB December 11, 2010

Izzy living with Lauri & Scott


Female DOB October 13, 2010

Honey living with Nathan & Tiffany


Male DOB May 5, 2010

Scooter living with Casey, Curt & Mimi


Male DOB December 31, 2009

Dewey living with Ann & Joe

Male DOB July 9, 2010

Napoleon living with Barb

Male DOB August 15, 2010

Bodie living with Missy & Collin

Female DOB May 18, 2010

Luna living with Mary & Megan

Male DOB July 8, 2010

Wally living with Mae & Joe


Male DOB July 16, 2007

Oreo living with Julie & Scott

Zioe is a Yorkie Poo from here also

Females DOB May 24, 2010

Brandy & Lilly living with Kristy, Chris, Abbi & Max


Male DOB May 24, 2010

Butters living with Tim

Male DOB July 23, 2010

Cory living with Deb & Jeff


Male DOB November 13, 2009

Riley living with Mary & Tony

Male DOB July 12, 2010

Maddock living with Shane, Lisa & Connor

Male DOB June 4, 2009

Ozzy living with Charlie & Ashley

Female DOB July 25, 2009

Shandy living with David & Katie


Female DOB May 5, 2010

Nala living with Shelley & Kelly

Female DOB July 8, 2010

Mollie living with Mike, Jennifer, Brian, Jack & Tess

Female DOB September 30, 2008

Mona living with Joshua & Gina

Male DOB June 2, 2009

Bailey living with Mary


Female DOB February 13, 2009

Willow living with Greg

Female DOB March 26, 2009

Dixie living with Eric, Jessica, Garrett & Leah


Male DOB January 25, 2008

Walter living with David


Female DOB February 8, 2009

Ruby living with Ashley

Female DOB December 2, 2008

Riley living with Mary Ann


Male DOB September 8, 2007

Crash living with Anne


Female DOB April 10, 2007 

Abbie living with Ryan & Lori

Female DOB February 9, 2007

Abby living with Andrew & Laura


Female DOB December 22, 2006

Gabby living with Andy & Randi


Male DOB July 30, 2006

Baxter living with Jeff & Jessica


Female DOB July 28, 2006

Bailey living with Brad & Ashley


Male DOB June 21, 2006

Dakota living with Jesse & Jennifer


Female DOB May 4, 2006

Lily Elizabeth living with Jeff & Connie


Male DOB May 4, 2006

Austin living with Brian & Kellee 



Male DOB August 1, 2016

Nash living with Tanya & Phil

Hi Susan, It has been way too long but today we are celebrating one year with our

wonderful boy, Nash. He is the light of my life. I wanted to share a few pictures from

this past year so you can see how he has grown into a big boy and big brother to June.

We are delighted to have found him and love him with all our hearts. We couldn't have

asked for a sweeter young man and oh so handsome! Many thanks, Tanya & Phil


Male DOB September 11, 2018

Charlie living with Molly & Rich

Hi Susan and Rex, Hope you are doing well! Attached are some pictures of our sweet boy.

He is doing really well 100% potty trained, knows sit, shake, lay down, roll over, comes to his name.

It helps he is highly treat motivated. He loves being outside, the snow and cold doesn't seem

to bother him. He's in puppy kindergarten now so learning the basics and how to

socialize with other dogs. Molly


Male DOB September 11, 2018

Flynn living with Paige & Scott

I attached a photo and a video of Flynn. Very happy and crazy...

Male DOB September 11, 2018

Waylon living with Becky & Jason

He is my little kitchen buddy. Waylon (aka Charlie) is doing well.

He will see the vet today. He is a very smart little guy.

Male DOB March 20, 2015

Winslow living with Karen & Paul

Susan, Am sending some photos of Winslow, formerly George, born in March, 2015. 

He is so cute,  very sweet and smart.  He learned to come and sit within a couple of days.

 He is a perfect addition to our family.  Karen and Paul

Male DOB October 6, 2013

Jr. living with April

Good Afternoon Susan! I wanted to send you a couple pictures of Jr.  We picked him up from you on

November 23rd and he is filling the void for us with losing Jack our other Cockalier we got from

you in the Spring of 2006.  It is almost scary on the similarities that Jr has with Jack.  We think Jack

sent him to us.  I have attached a few pictures for you to maybe add to your website.  Jr is being a

good dog and his training is going well.  We are so pleased to have him be a part of our family!

Thank you so much……we are in love!  April

Female DOB May 3, 2011

Corah living with Nancy, Del & Carl

Female DOB June 29, 2011

Jossie living with Cari & Tom


Male DOB June 29, 2011

Simba living with Nikki

Bailey is a Cockapoo

from here also

Male DOB February 10, 2011

Chance living with Brittany, Nick, Caleb & Brennan


Male DOB December 23, 2010

Baxter living with Robin & Brandon

Male DOB May 18, 2007

Baylee living with Michelle


Female DOB May 18, 2007

Lilly living with Bill


Male DOB May 3, 2007

Boji living with Bill & Kathy


Female DOB January 12, 2007

Izzie living with Lindsay & Jason


Male DOB May 15, 2006

Snickers living with Jeff & Teresa


Male DOB May 15, 2006

Louie living with Kevin & Mary


Male DOB October 17, 2005

Murphy living with Bruce & Mary


Female DOB October 23, 2004

Mocha living with Brent & Ruth