Yorkie Poo



Teddy Bear





Kherry Blossom




* South Central Pet Care *

1430 HWY 69 S
Phone (507)373-4440    Fax (507)373-4441
Dr. David Wessling   

To Whom It May Concern:

On this date, 5-22-24, I personally inspected the kennels of Rex Possehl. My findings were that the dogs are being humanely treated and are being kenneled in a very acceptable environment. The general health of the population appears to be good to excellent with no clinical evidence of respiratory or enteric diseases.
It is my personal opinion that Rex is doing an excellent job of maintaining a clean and pleasant environment for the dogs.
It is my recommendation that no visitors be allowed inside the kennels because of the possibility of transmitting disease to the dogs and the puppies. The only personnel that need to be in the kennels are those people that are serving a direct purpose or addressing the needs of the dogs.
If there are any questions or concerns about Rex Possehl, the kennels, or how the dogs are treated, please feel free to call our clinic at your convenience.

David Wessling,DVM


Humane Agent Supplemental Report
Golden Valley Campus
-Investigation Incident: Professional Breeder Inspection
Owner: Rex & Susan Possehl---Possehl Enterprises, LLC
Address: 14179 200th Avenue
Hartland, MN 56042
Phone # 507-461-3327
Investigator: Keith Streff
Report Date: March 7, 2013

February 27, 2013 — I received a call from a man identified as Rex Possehl. I’ve known Mr. Possehl as a professional dog breeder doing business as Possehl Enterprises, LLC in rural Waseca County.  Mr. Possehl actively breeds and sells dogs at retail that have been raised on his farm. I agreed to conduct the inspection under the following conditions:
1. The Animal Humane Society (AHS) consulting veterinarian and a consulting veterinarian retained by Possehl Enterprises, LLC will be present during the inspection.
2. The minimum standards applied will be determined by the Minnesota animal -welfare chapter (346).
3. The report will reflect my factual findings with no reference to recommendation or endorsement.
March 7, 2013 — Dr. Graham Brayshaw of Animal Humane Society, Dr. David Wessling, an independent veterinarian practicing in Albert Lea, and I met with the Possehl family at the residence noted above. We introduced ourselves and discussed the role of each party including the terms of the voluntary inspection.
Subsequent inspection and discussion determined the following facts and findings:
• The Possehl family independently owns and operates a bio-secure professional dog breeding business identified as Possehl Enterprises, LLC.
• Possehl Enterprises, LLC does not hold a USDA license nor is one required when selling dogs directly to the public.
• Possehl Enterprises, LLC has been issued a conditional use permit (CUP) by Waseca County.
• Possehl Enterprises currently sells directly to consumers through local advertising and a business website posted on the Internet.
• The breeding facility is located on a rural farm site with a house and various outbuildings.
• The buildings appear to be a converted hog and a dairy barn. A pole building is also used for equipment and feed storage as well as an aerobic compost pile.
• The majority of dogs are confined to two primary buildings identified as the “big barn” and the “whelping barn”.
• The “whelping barn” is used for whelping and nursing, the "big barn” is used for breeding and loafing.
• Both buildings that confine dogs are equipped with ventilation, drainage, and lighting that meets the required standard at this time.
• The sanitary environment meets the minimum standard at this time.
• Isolation and treatment areas are available in the whelping barn.
• Dehumidifiers are present and appear functional in both barns at this time.
• Sanitation is maintained by bedding absorption.
• Feed and water is available by free choice through controlled automation.
• The barking volume and odor inside the buildings was commensurate with the number of dogs confined.
• Copies of the Minnesota Consumer Protection Act (325F) are provided with the sale of each puppy.
• Mr. Possehl retains a consulting veterinarian identified as Dr. David Wessling to supervise and facilitate their operations.
• Dr. Wessling oversees herd health management that includes vaccination and on-call services as necessary.
• Dr. Wessling identifies and treats illnesses common to dogs that are raised in group housing environments..
• Dr. Wessling is comfortable with the health and care of the dogs as well as the operational management of the facility at this time.
I discussed the minimum requirements of the Minnesota Animal Welfare Chapter pursuant to professional animal breeders. I explained how the statutes are applied and the role Animal Humane Society plays in assisting local law enforcement agencies with investigation and enforcement. The health and welfare of the dogs and the environment they are subject to, meet the minimum standard. There was no evidence that required corrective action at this time.



To Whom It May Concern:

I have visited the Puppies By Possehl home twice each month to inspect puppies and to observe the facilities and care for the animals at their site. Upon each physical exam I have found the pups to be clean and free of any fecal matter on their fur. Their eyes and ears have always been clean and properly cared for.
The temperature within the buildings is maintained at a comfortable 72 degrees and air flow is adequate to keep fresh air coming in to all parts of the kennels. The feces are removed repeatedly throughout the day and disposed of. There is no accumulation of feces or urine around the pets and consequently, their hair coat remains dry and clean.
Proper grooming is performed to keep the fur trimmed to avoid any buildup of hair mats. And they are bathed to avoid skin infections.
A complete inspection of the facility is performed bi-annually to insure that no animals are neglected, that sufficient water and food supply is provided and that the humidity and temperature controls are maintained.
Our latest facility inspection was on September 19, 2019 and the animals under the Possehl family care were found to be healthy and living in adequate conditions to keep them that way.


David Wessling, DVM
South Central Pet Care
Ph: 507.373.4440     Fx: 507.373.4441
1430 Hwy 69 S

 Albert Lea, MN 56007