Past Puppies

Female DOB July 26, 2019
Paisley living with Tammy
She is so so loved. She’s doing
amazing. She’s so smart and learned how to
sit the second day! She’s already
rang her bell once to go outside so
she’s learning more everyday. We
couldn’t love her more. Thanks, Tammy

Male DOB May 28, 2019
Cooper living with Chris & Joe
Susan, Just a quick note to say thank you for allowing us
to pick up Cooper early.
He did okay
on the car ride but did have an upset stomach. I'm sure he was anxious.
I got him
water and moisten food right when we got home and let him roam
around our
screened in porch to acclimate. He ate a bowl and half of food, drank water,
did both
potty and poopy out side on our stone patio. It made me feel good to
all this between 6 and 8 pm. Thought you'd like to know. We will
send more
news in a few days. Thank you again. Chris and Joe
Just a quick note to let you know Cooper is very happy and adjusting well.
Last night he slept from 10 pm to 5:45 am. He has discovered grass in the
yard and
loves to go outside for potty. Potty training is going well. We got him
a Snuggle
puppy that has a heartbeat to sleep with him and it really helps him
sleep and rest
in his crate. My friends have come to meet him and think he is adorable which
he is.
We are trying puppy socialization for a half hour on Saturday. Hope you are
healing and
feeling stronger day by day. I'll write again soon. Chris Joe and Cooper
Quick update that Cooper is growing and
doing well. He enjoys being outside
and loves to run and play. He has his own
sofa to sit on between Joe and I.
We really love him! He is a joy. Chris
Male DOB November 23, 2016
Bear living with Christine & Andy
Hello, We
want to give you an update on our handsome Bear. We just love him so much!
He is a
very active guy! He loves to play with his buddy, Tripp, our cat (although Tripp
always want
to play with him). He also loves going on walks and going to doggy day care
while we
are at work. He just got the courage to go up and down our stairs to the
He has
gotten so big! He is about 16 lbs now. He is still our baby, though! :) Hope you
a great
weekend! Sincerely, Christine and Andy

Male DOB September 23, 2017
living with Kristi & John
Happy New Year! We are so enjoying our new member
of the family..thank you!

Male DOB February 20, 2019
Chewy living with Amy & Andrew
Hi Susan.
We renamed Parker. His name is Chewy (Chewbacca).
He is
doing really well in his new home. We are in love with him.
He is a
sweetie!! Thank you!

Male DOB May 5, 2016
Waldo living with Nancy & Gary
Rex and
Susan, Hope this finds you well. About 1 year ago (9/2/16) we adopted
a puppy
Schnoodle from you who we adore!! We have renamed (Capone) Waldo.
happy, well socialized with other dogs and goes on many adventures. We get
on his looks and behavior. Thank you so much for your time. Nancy

Male DOB August 8, 2016
Bunsen living with Mary
Hi Rex and Susan, Its been over a year since I
adopted Bunsen.
He is doing well and has had many adventures.
His temperament
is great, and loves to go on puppy walks with
puppy friends. Thanks so much. Mary

Female DOB March 2, 2017
Maya living with Jill & Brian
Hi Susan, Thought I’d send you a picture of
Bunny that we adopted from you on May 13th.
It is a before and after picture in the same
sweater around 5 &1/2 months apart.
Her name is Maya now, and she is doing great!
We feel lucky to have her in our family. Thanks! Jill

Male DOB April 17, 2017
Benson living with Nicole & Matthew
Hello Rex
and Susan, Last year in July we took Benson (formerly Gavin) home with us.
On the 17th Benson
be 1! I thought I would give you a little update, Benson adjusted very well
when we took him home!
loves to cuddle especially with me, I am in grad school and Benson loves to
sit right next to me with
favorite dinosaur toy and help me study. Benson has a best friend (my family
dog) who is a
doodle puppy just 3 months younger than him. Benson did great with his
neutering and just
had his 1
year check up and they said he is doing great. Benson weighs just shy of 16
lbs but is very tall
and can
jump and leap like no other dog I have seen (we call him a gazelle). We are
so in love with him
and so
happy to have him in our family! Attached are a few pictures along with the
picture we saw
on your
website for your own recall! Best regards, Benson, Matthew, and Nicole

Female DOB March 7, 2016
Sophie Mae living with Doris & Howard
This one on our driveway. She's watching the neighbors mow lawn. She is really gray but looks darker in these pictures.
She loves to go bye-bye in the car. She is so much fun to watch when she plays with her toys in the living room.
We still need to do some training but it's getting there. She got taller then I thought she would but I love every inch of
those long legs! Thanks for my honey of a puppy! Doris I'm sending you a few pictures of my honey. I
believe you named her Layla but I named her Sophie Mae. I love her dearly. Howard plays a lot with her too.
Female DOB November 22, 2005
Hailey living with Mary & Chris
We sent you a picture of Hailey born November 22, 2005 .
Sadly she had to be put down December 28, 2018. We want
to thank you for selling us such a very good dog.
There was nothing wrong with her until she was losing
feeling in her back legs from arthritis,
diabetes was catching up with her and just old age. She
was a great dog, a loving companion for all of her 13 years!
Hopefully you will have some more salt and pepper
schnoodles in the spring because we are thinking
of getting another one from you. We miss her more than we
could ever imagine.
She was a huge part of our family and will be remembered
Thanks again for selling us our best friend. Chris and
Here are pictures of Hailey. The first one is the one
that is on your webpage and the
second one was taken during the first snowfall of this
November. Thanks, Chris and Mary

Male DOB May 12, 2017
Jigs living with Karla & John
Attached is a current photo of our dog Jigs which we
purchased from you 1 year ago. He is a lively, crazy puppy
and he makes us laugh every day!.
John and Karla
Susan: We are loving our Jigs (aka Jasper). He
is a funny, quirky puppy.
See attached photo. Merry Christmas Karla,
John and Jigs

Females DOB November 23, 2016
Annie & Bella living with Kari & Kori
The girls are doing great. They have made themselves
right at home.
Kari & Kori

Male DOB June 15, 2016
Sparky Franklin living with Wanda & Terry
Ok, had to just let you know that Franklin, the boys have
named Sparky so Sparky-Franklin
will be his name, is doing great. We had a long
drive home yesterday and it gave him
some good bonding time with the boys. It took him a short
while to get used to the car,
but did great. We got his bed and food all set up when we
got him and he had some
energy to burn so had a great time exploring his new
home. We put him in his crate
at bedtime last night, but when he cried and howled my son
started crying feeling bad for him.
I explained that it wouldn't take him long to get used to
it and sometimes we have to let them cry,
but then he started crying and so we caved and let him lay
down by us. I eventually
brought him to bed with me so he didn't keep the boys up
barking in his crate and
fell deeper in love with the little guy as he's an amazing
snuggler. He slept on top of
my pillow and, although I know that's probably not a good
habit to start, we created a
great bond. He is in his crate today in the bathroom with
his food and water,
he's been eating and drinking great and went potty outside
and also did #2. I went home
to check him at lunch. We couldn't be more in love
with him, he's the most
adorable puppy ever. I'll keep you updated as time goes

Female DOB June 26, 2014
Peppermint living with Katherine
Sofie has been renamed Peppermint. So we call her Peppy.
She is quite the rascal.

Male DOB April 29, 2014
Delmar living with Tiffany

Female DOB September 3, 2013
Miley living with Samantha & Jason

Male DOB May 27, 2013
Archie living with Lauren
I thought you would enjoy a few pictures of Archie!
He is adjusting to his new home so well. Thank you again for
such a wonderful addition to our family! Attempting the stairs!
Playing with his new toys! Thanks again! Lauren
Female DOB April 16, 2013
Gracie living with Jana & Patrick
Gracie is doing great... She is a bit sassy! Lol, but then
aren't we all!
We love her and cannot imagine life without her!
These are our two children, and two Schnoodles! Jana

Here are some more pictures of Franklin. He is an amazing
dog and
we all love him so much, a perfect addition to our family!
Male DOB September 3, 2013
Franklin living with Kami
Hi Susan! I am so happy we picked Finch! For starters,
we have changed his name
to Franklin (Franky for short). He did absolutely
wonderful on the 1.5 hour drive home!
He has not shown any nervousness or shyness. As soon as
we got home, he explored
and immediately was comfortable. He even started giving
me kisses!! He is climbing
on the girls' laps, and following us everywhere. He ate
well, and pee'd & pooped before bedtime.
He is even giving my youngest daughter hi fives! Bedtime
came and he was all
tuckered out. He went in his kennel and fell right to
sleep. No wimpering, no whining,
and slept all thru the night! I am so very excited to
have him as our new family member.
Please be assured that he will get the utmost love and
attention! Please find his
first day at home pictures attached. Thank you so
much! Kami

Female DOB October 9, 2004
Daisy living with Penny
Remy is a Cavapoo from here also
DOB October 2, 2013

Male DOB September 3, 2013
Charlie living with Amber
Hi Susan, here are a few of Mickey, whose new name is
He is settling in so well so far! He's been a great eater
and doing well
learning to potty outside. I'm absolutely in love with
him! I'll keep in touch!
Hi Susan, Charlie (formerly known as Mickey) celebrated his first birthday
yesterday at home.
He is growing into his spunky personality day by day. He loves going for walks
and snuggling with me at night.
He's such a good boy... He even took 2nd place in his beginner obedience school.
Here are some
pictures from his 'birthday party' and others over the past year. Amber
and Charlie the schnoodle

Female DOB May 29, 2012
Snickers living with Earlene & George
Hi Susan,
Sending you some photos of our little Snickers.....formally known as Connie
(adopted in July 2012). She is such a joy and my dad and mom absolutely love
her. She was a little small for my dad when she first arrived home but they
bonded with each other right away and she's grown to just the right size. She's
thriving and I thought I'd send you a few pictures of her for you to enjoy. A
few from when she was new to the family and then getting to know her cousin
Punkin and then her first big girl hair cut and also her first Christmas. Hope
enjoy the photos. Happy new year from Snickers and her family Earlene & George

Male DOB March 31, 2013
Butch living with Sue & Dan
meeting new older sister Maisie
Thanks for raising and introducing us to Butch!!
Our Maisie's nose was out of joint at first, but we know
things will improve with lots of love and affirmation.

Female DOB May 29, 2012
Bella living with Stacy, Neil, Megan & Makenna
Just sending some pics of Bella. We love her! She has been a
wonderful puppy and a great addition to our family! Bella's
personality is amazing. She loves to play with our girls, cuddle
whenever possible, go for walks, be a "watchdog" looking out the front
window, chew on her toys, and sometimes get into mischief;) We don't
know what we'd do without her!
I even had a coworker call to buy a
schnoodle from you not long after
she saw Bella! They love their puppy too!
Bella has become our "third child" in our family.....just love and adore her!

Male DOB
February 8, 2011
Ollie living
with Jane, Ryan & Noah

Male DOB
August 25, 2011
Toby living
with Vance & Pamela

Females DOB
January 17, 2011
Riley & River
living with Shirley & Tara

Female DOB January 17, 2011
Anna living with Sue & Jon

Male DOB July
3, 2010
Ryder living
with Stacy & family

Male DOB
August 7, 2010
living with Jana

Male DOB June
23, 2007
living with Shelly
Scoobie is a
Cavapoo from here also

Male DOB
August 1, 2010
(Howie) living with Michelle & Jason

Male DOB
March 18, 2010
Dusty living
with Sarah

Male DOB
December 27, 2009
living with Jennifer

Male DOB
December 27, 2009
Max living
with Carolyn

Male DOB
August 4, 2009
Rudi living
with Chad & Marilyn

Female DOB
May 16, 2009
Juliet living
with John & Jan

Males DOB
February 3, 2009
Rover & Max
living with Robert & DiEtte
Female DOB August 17, 2007
Maggie living with Ron & Ruth

Male DOB April 25, 2007
Cody living with Todd & Pam

Female DOB April 15, 2007
Olive living with Kevin & Bekky

Male DOB January 31, 2007
Nash living with Matt & Amy

Male DOB
June 11, 2006
Otis living with Nancy
Shelby is one of our 5 house
Female DOB April 24, 2006
Shelby living with Rex & Sue

Male DOB April 4, 2006
Murphy living with Shawn & Anne

Male DOB April 4, 2006
Paxton living with Bryan & Cheryl
Female DOB February 13, 2006
Maggie living with Nate & Lisa

Female DOB April 24, 2006
Izzy living with Richard & Rebecca

Male DOB October 18, 2005
Diezl living with Brian & Kristi
Female DOB May 19, 2006
Addison living with Dan & Anne

Female DOB May 5, 2006
Ellie living with Ed & Cindy
is a Male Shih Poo from here also
Male DOB January 15, 2006
Fritz living with Justin & Beth

Female DOB November 22, 2005
Hailey living with Chris & Mary

Female DOB October 18, 2005
Lucy living with Andrew & Sara
Male DOB September 18, 2005
Joey living with Ron & Connie

Male DOB August 14, 2005
Beemer living with John & Linda
Male DOB June 3, 2005
Chester living with Karina
Female DOB October 9, 2004
Belle living with Pete & Marlaine

Male DOB September 24, 2004
Harley living with Halli, Jan & Barry

Female DOB April 5, 2004
Pippin living with Christine & Rick

Female DOB February 6, 2003
Frankie Lou living with Barry & Ton
Female DOB July 28, 2001
Treazure living with Kristen

Grandma with Bandit
DOB April 14, 2019
Bandit living with April & Brian
He is doing wonderful. He and smokie are playing together and he rubs noses
with mocha.
He is a sweetheart and is finding his place. Very spoiled and loved!
He is good for the heart and soul! He is very loved and very spoiled
Shih Poo/Teddy

Female DOB September 30, 2009
Kensington living with Ashley

Male DOB January 22, 2021
Leo living with Lisa & family

Male DOB June 15, 2019
Charlie living with Betty & Jerry
Hi Susan, Charlie (Harley) is almost four months old
now, and we wanted to
let you know that he is doing wonderfully well living
with us (Jerry and Betty).
We couldn't ask for a better puppy. We love him, and
he loves us. He is healthy
and happy with his new life in our home. Thank you for
our sweet little puppy.
He is perfect.

Female DOB July 4, 2019
Peanut living with Lynn
Thank u for the great gift u gave me. Fresh from beauty salon
Male DOB July 4, 2019
Cruz living with Jacquelyn &
Hi! I know you asked for pictures of Cruz growing up... so I thought I would
share a few!
He is so loved! We just adore him. He is basically potty trained, knows how
to sit, and
stay, and loves his puppy treats when he does something good! He also
adores his big brother! Thanks again for our bundle of joy! He is sooo loved!

Female DOB June 15, 2019
Abby living with Jane & Steven
Hi Susan here is our Abby chilling on couch. She is funny, just a real bundle
of joy!
She already knows how to chase a ball when we throw it and bring it
back. She's very smart!
Hi Susan I hope today you will be having one of your good days and that this picture of
Abby will put a smile in your face Monday after her first groom. We had a mobile groomer come
out as did not want to take her to a groomer full of barking dogs. It to worked out so well we
might just stick with getting her groomed like this going forward. Abby is thriving and boy is she
a bundle of joy. I would say potty training is at 90%. Vet says she is doing so well. Last time
we were there she had gained a pound and goes back November 4th. Yes the first couple weeks
were a bit of a challenge but we feel we hit the jackpot with Abby and we are so grateful we
found you. Think of you often.
Hi Susan hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. We saw Abby's pics on your website.
Thank you for posting them. They were so cute. Abby is thriving. Every day something new and she is so smart!
This pic I am sending is of her in the new bed I bought her. She loves it! Loves taking her naps in her bed.
It's very soft and cushy. We think of you often and hope you are doing well. I wanted to add had her last
shot last week for awhile. Rabies shot. Next is spading which we will do when she is 7 months old in January.
That I do not look forward to as it is surgery and I just hope it is not too hard on her. Will get that done and that's it for awhile!

Male DOB July 27, 2017
Mosely living with Kay
Here's the latest
picture of Mosely! About 8 pounds.

Male DOB March 22, 2015
Bentley living with Sue & Dan
Just wanted
to send you some photos of Bentley. We bought him from you in May 2015.
He’s a very
well-adjusted dog with a lot of energy and a lot of love.
We absolutely
adore him. He’s a Shih-poo, about 13 lbs now.

Male DOB October 11, 2017
Goliath living with Shelli & Jason
eating! His first night went ok. He cried a little, but slept some, too. We
almost the way home before he threw up. But it was no big deal. We tried to
keep him cool
calm. His favorite spot is right there at the bottom of the steps. My
husband thinks
because my jacket is there and it smells like me. He loves our other dog,
but she's
not sure
about him yet. She will adjust. He hasn't pottied outside yet, but he likes
being out
there. Lots of new smells! We keep it brief and frequent. Thank you! We love

Female DOB May 9, 2011
Culatello living with Hannah
Hello! I
just wanted to update you on Cula. We adopted her back in 2011 (DOB 5/9/11).
She is
still the love of my life and my favorite thing in the entire world.
She lives
at college with me now. Cula goes to the college! Granted she isn’t
much, mostly napping on the couch and looking out the window,
she’s still doing great. I’ve attached some photos from this summer below!

Female DOB June 11, 2016
Kala living with Jodi & Terry
She is now 2 years old and 2 months old. She has been such a wonderful
addition to our family. Her favorite thing to do is snuggle. Jodi

Male DOB December 23, 2007
Brutus living with Mishele & Casey
HI there, We got Brutus a Shih Poo
from you about 10 years ago, and thought we should update you!!
He has been a
wonderful dog and continues to bring us lots of joy every day. He is healthy,
and we couldn’t be happier. Here is a recent picture. When we are ready for a
new puppy we will happily look you up!! Mishele

Female DOB February 4, 2018
Lucy living with Jennifer & Tibebu
Hi Susan, Sierra (now named Lucy) is an amazing wonderful dog!
She melts everyone's heart around her. She i s smart, cuddly, curious and full of personality.
She has become the perfect addition to our family! Thank you, Jennifer

Male DOB February 4, 2018
Sampson Eli living with Tami & Joe
Getting big .
. Almost 5 lbs

Hi Just wanted to let you know we are quickly coming up on 1 year since
purchase of Sampson Eli (Tommy) This pup has brought so much joy
To this family. He is such a smart, good boy!!

Male DOB October 20, 2015
Chewy living with Pam & Ronald
Male DOB June 21, 2016
Lucky living with Pam & Ronald
Merry Christmas from
Lucky (silver ShihTzu/Poodle) &
Chewy (buff ShihTzu/Poodle).
We got Chewy from you
January 2015 and Lucky
September 2106.
They are happy,
healthy, loving and very loved.

Female DOB September 28, 2018
Luna Angel living with Laura
She's doing great! Working on house training. Took her to the
vet this morning. She weighed 4 lbs, and checked out great.
Have a great Thanksgiving this is my youngest daughter Samantha with Luna.

Male DOB October 5, 2015
Billy living with Samantha, Shannon
& Garry
family purchased our dog Billy (Tinsel) from you back in Dec 2015.
We love
him so much! Thank you! Samantha Here’s some photos of Billy at Christmas

Males DOB October 14th & 18th, 2018
Denver & Biscuit living with
Christina & Eric
Bedtime stories We are in love.
Hi! The boys are doing great. They really are so much fun.
Denver stayed the same and Howie is now Biscuit!
They both had their hair done yesterday and did great.

Male DOB October 15, 2018
Peanut living with Kim & Garry
Hi Susan! Things are going well with Rocky. We renamed him to Peanut. Thank you!
Susan, Thought I’d send you a picture of Peanut. He’s almost 5 months
old now.
doing well. Mostly potty trained indoors. He has a good life!

Male DOB June 11, 2018
Leo living with Addie & Richard
Leo, is growing up so fast.
He has brought so much happiness to our family

Female DOB February 9, 2018
Ruby living with Kristi
Just a note to tell you we love and adore Octavia!
We named her Ruby and she's getting along swimmingly with our family.
Also attached are a couple of pictures. Thank you, Kristi

Male DOB September 8, 2017
Leo living with Brandi & Michael
Max is a Shih Poo from here also
Male DOB April 16, 2009
He is doing just fine! Settling in with Max! We love him.

Just thought I would send a picture that I
took last night. Leo is doing great & Max
is getting more comfortable with his brother!
Thanks for the 2 great puppies ;) Brandi

Male DOB August 13, 2017
Cooper living with Jan & Don
Hi Susan: Mom and dad are sending a picture of me
(COOPER...formerly Rhett). I had my first haircut today.
I think I look pretty handsome. I learned how to
climb stairs in my house today. It was so much fun
that is what I spent my day doing. I'm sleeping through
the night at my new home. I'm getting better at
going potty outside. I'll write again soon.

Female DOB July 7, 2013
Stormy living with Annie
I just wanted to say Thank You again for letting Stormy (Angel) come into my
She is great and we are adjusting well. She has had many play dates and
loves to socialize.
wanted to send you some shots of Stormy. Just wanted to say thanks
again for everything!
Annie and Stormy!

Hi Susan!
Just wanted to give you an update. Stormy is now just turning 7 months old!
She has really
been the greatest gift I could have brought into my
life. She loves people and playing with
other dogs... all shapes and sizes too! Stormy gets
her grooming and occasional doggie
daycare done at Furs' a Flyin. Tina and the staff love
her and she is just a social butterfly
with her playmates. She has a labordoodle named
Jazzy that she plays with and they are
instructed when Stormy comes in that Jazzy's Mom is
called so she can bring her in to
play to Stormy too! :) Next week Stormy is heading to
the vet to get spayed. She even loves
going there. Can't get into the door quick enough. I
heard one of my reps, Tim, from
Wisconsin came in November and bought a pup from you
as well. I know they are in love
with theirs as well. I have attached an updated
picture of Stormy taken yesterday. It was
too cute not to share!! Thanks again Annie and Stormy

Male DOB January 26, 2012
Broc living with Sharon & Matt
Hi. We have
not been in touch for a while and I wanted you to
know that Broc is doing well. It is his birthday today so I thought
it would be appropriate to share a photo with you. Hope all is well.
My husband keeps saying Broc needs a friend but... we'll have to see
about that.

Male DOB December 25, 2006
Emmet living with Dan & Shelly

Male DOB February 20, 2008
Riley living with Shelly & Dan
Male DOB December 25, 2006
Emmett living with Shelly & Dan
I don't know if you will remember us but we got 2 puppies from you about a year
apart several years ago. I check your site on a regular basis because we are
always considering adding another to our family. But I thought it was a good
time to let you know what wonderful dogs Emmett(6yrs) and Riley(5yrs) have
become. They are such good boys and they make us laugh everyday...especially
Emmett. He is the goof ball and Riley is the cuddle bug. Emmett is such a smarty
pants and he loves his much so that he HAS to bring his collection to
bed at night and takes inventory to make sure they are all there before we can
settle in for the night. If one falls off the bed during the night he jumps off
to get it, then wakes us up by running from side to side, with the toy in his
mouth... snorting away, until one of us picks him up (because he can't quiet
make it up with a toy in his mouth!) I have attached a couple pictures- the top
one is Emmett with his toys and then Riley cuddle bug :)
you again, so much, for giving us such wonderful little dogs- I don't know what
we would do with out them! Dan and Shelly

Female DOB June 8, 2012
Callie Mae living with Kathy

Female DOB August 19, 2012
CeCe living with Mara & Scott
Doing well! Eating now, sleeping good (up once last night to potty), snuggling.
Coming out of shell a bit more in the house, and active and running around
outside for potty time.
Vet good yesterday and will send you the paperwork. Thank you so much!
We love her! No name yet. Girls can't agree. :)
Sadie, Pixie, Holly, Piper, Roxie.........we'll see!
CeCe (Nicole)
has been a great addition to our family. :)
She's 6 mos
and just got spayed and microchipped.
She did great
and is housetrained now!
Thanks again
for raising a wonderful puppy!

Female DOB May 9, 2011
Culatello living with Hannah

Male DOB November 13, 2008
Bandit living with Ed & Cindy
Ellie is Female Schnoodle from here

Female DOB March 20, 2007
Ling-Ling living with Doris, Michael
& Lotus

Male DOB January 2, 2009
Charlie Fireball living with Alan,
Michelle, Marissa, Nathan & Andrew

Male DOB October 18, 2007
Max living with Richard & Nancy

Male DOB September 17, 2007
Kain living with Jeremy & Brandi
Female DOB July 8, 2007
Sophie living Sandra

Male DOB March 20, 2007
Tyndale living with Richard & Deborah

Female DOB March 20, 2007
Pippy living with Brett & Cheryle

Female DOB December 20, 2006
Lucy living with Andy & Randi

Male DOB November 16, 2006
Tedy living with Sheilah

Male DOB September 10, 2006
Scutaro living with Don & Anne

Female DOB September 10, 2006
Maddie living with Nikki

Female DOB September 10, 2006
Lolo living with Meghan

Male DOB March 21, 2006
Jack living with Chad & Sheila

Male DOB February 11, 2006
Jadee living with Jessica

Male DOB February 11, 2006
Baylee living with Dan & Deanna
Females DOB January 14, 2006
Bella & Mosey living with Robert & Roberta-Todd & Corey

Male DOB January 14, 2006
Bandit living with Mike & Heather

Male DOB November 9, 2005
Baxter living with Tim & Julie

Male DOB November 9, 2005
Murphy living with Robert & Donna

Male DOB November 9, 2005
- Female DOB July 5, 2007
& Roxy living with Mike & Melissa

Female DOB August 8, 2005
Maddie living with David & Sherrie
Male DOB March 6, 2005
Lenny living with Michelle

Male DOB September 10, 2013
Charlie living with Tammy & Dean

Male DOB March 17, 2008
Wicket living with Amy
Male DOB August 6, 2007
Yogi living with Dave & Diane

Female DOB January 30, 2007
Ellie living with Scott & Cheryl

Female DOB December 3, 2006
Zani living with Gene & Becky